Sunday, 16 November 2008


I think I should post an explanation as to why I suddenly got cold feet about this blogging thing, and why just as suddenly I changed my mind again.

As the post below indicates, I was determined to use this blog for the purpose of 'making contact' - which of course means being honest. 'Invent nothing, deny nothing', as David Mamet has it. But there's a thin line between honesty and (as a friend of mine put it when I discussed this with her earlier on) 'private splurge'.

I spent the afternoon writing 'private splurge'. I then realised that said splurge was indeed private and best left private. And I hit the 'delete' key.

So what now? In all honesty: I still don't know. Perhaps it's best not to think too much about who's reading it and just write, regardless. I don't know why I'm writing, but it seems a shame to give up before I've even started.

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